Mill Creek Clean Up Day

I knew that climbing Denali would be a big deal but what has come from this expedition we are about to embark on has become something so amazing I have a hard time putting it to words. Climbing mountains is an inherently selfish and boastful endeavor and I am no stranger to such things but the idea of doing something like the clean up and the other projects already in the works makes this whole thing all the more sweeter. -Jacob Goff

May 14, 2011 will be the first of many public projects  from The Snowmelt, with a lot of hard works and countless hours of preparation it is to our great delight to announce the Mill Creek Clean Up Day. This will not only be a day in which we are able to give back but also a time of education and stewardship. Mill Creek for many is a touch point to the the great outdoors, if we can help protect places like these and teach others to do the same it would be our hope that attendees might share what they learned and help make this delicate world a better place. That being said -

The Snowmelt as well as its other partners would like to invite you out for a day of education and giving back

for more info- Mill Creek Clean Up Day

 The Snowmelt also needs your help any contribution is greatly appreciated!