There are a few things when it comes to climbing, hiking and backpacking that can become unsafe rather quickly if you don't have a partner. That being said these very things I speak of all have one underlying common denominator. Ego..... now this does not go for everyone but ego does play a big part in the push forward. As we all know, this journey of mine is mostly one that will leave only my footsteps behind and with that come all the inherent risks. This past weekend I went back to a trail I feel invented me and sparked my passion for the ascent. The goal was not just to get out and burn calories build a bit of muscle but more it was a time to look back and reflect, as to really grasp what all of this means and what the future will hold. I definitly underestimated how much the uncontrollable factors of my daily like would play on this whole endeavor as well as this weekend and that outlook may have saved my life. I found myself dealing with Ego vs. Passion and ego was definitely in the lead going into the hike. I had planned on working on my technical skills such as anchor building and rappelling into rather bad conditions. Standing on the edge forced to make a decision, a judgment call... I backed off one of my goals for the day. When these situations come about we are forced to weight the risk vs. the the reward. As much as I wanted to walk of the mountain feeling like touched something epic I walked off feeling a bit wiser and in the end I will be better for it. Stepping stones are not meant be fallen from but placed as to give us a path to the end and that's where I am headed. North