Back to my roots, with so many things changing around me from my climbing style, my goals, my projects and my overall life I think its time to get back to the love of all this before I get lost. It was always about the feeling, those moments in life you may never get back, finding yourself lost in something only to be truly found. I think when people take on something so big that they can so easily loose sight of what really matters. For me I have focus, drive, determination but I fear that with all this I may never see things in the same light, I fear... all the love lost. Finding a balance when dealing with something so much bigger than yourself may be the ultimate test, as becoming my own worst enemy in these matters will surely put a stop to all the things I have worked so hard for.... if they have not already. My new direction will be perspective, keeping all the things that will produce a positive outcome the same, I shall now go the rest of the way wide eyed as not to miss my own reflection. Now to take it all this back to the roots, It is time to hit the trail that I feel invented me and see how it has changed me and how I can change it.Its time to humble myself and ditch the hardened heart and take in all this journey has to offer.
North. Photo by Nathan Scherenck