The good things in life don't come without there hardships and we must put in the blood, sweat and tears before we can truly make them ours. It is now that time more than ever I shed my skin and move forward stepping into something that can destroy me or stepping through something that will make me. It will be in these times that I prove myself taking each challenge each problem each fear head on. My mind is strong and my body resilient and my fists clinched ready to fight. And now the thing I have begun to realize about all of this is that without all of the pain it would loose its worth. I never signed up for an escalator ride to the top, I knew what I was getting myself into and now its time to grit my teeth and push through. I guess what I am trying to say is........ I freekin worked my balls off tonight and now everything hurts especially my fingers. But like I said, NO PAIN NO GAIN in this venture... NORTH.
I also want to put out there that if you want to enjoy some pain like me head to