Birthdate: 2/3/1982
Specs: 5'10, 150 lbs.
Hometown: Yucaipa, CA
Current Town: Redlands, CA
Background: As a kid I grew up with at least one foot always in the outdoors. Spent my late teens and the half my 20's snowboarding for various companies, traveling, seeing new places trying to live the dream. It all came to a halt when I shattered my right leg in a snowboard accident, with a year of no walking and another of physical therapy I charge harder than I ever have.
Hobbies: Where to begin... rock climbing, snowboarding, backpacking, skateboarding, cycling, photography, reading, writing and art.
What's always on my Ipod: As this is ever changing... right now I would say The Bronx, Hot Water Music, The Delta Spirit, Band of Horses, and Mumford and Sons and some country thrown in there for good mesure.
Future Goals: With Denali being an obvious goal, it would be to really fine tune my climbing skills and chase some alpine ascents as well as finish a few rock projects I have been working on.
And that is me in a nut shell, If you have read the rest of this you can now probably paint a well rounded picture of me but I assure you if you follow along with this blog you will get know me and the rest of the guys a whole lot better and it will get awesome. I have a few Big things in the works that I so Badly want to share with you all but for now I shall keep my lips sealed. Just stay tuned and you may get an opportunity to do something great as well! I again want to thank everyone for their support as we find ourselves further and farther NORTH.
And that is me in a nut shell, If you have read the rest of this you can now probably paint a well rounded picture of me but I assure you if you follow along with this blog you will get know me and the rest of the guys a whole lot better and it will get awesome. I have a few Big things in the works that I so Badly want to share with you all but for now I shall keep my lips sealed. Just stay tuned and you may get an opportunity to do something great as well! I again want to thank everyone for their support as we find ourselves further and farther NORTH.