I am a dreamer, I see life not through a window but but through touch, sight and sound. I will be the first to admit that as real as I make every moment I create uncertainty. I walk a tight rope and often fall only to be caught by an outreached arm but now however, there is no one to catch me.
I have learned that a dream is only a dream until you put it into action sometimes you may fall flat on your face but at some point you have to stand up dust off and keep going no matter how bad you want to give up. For those of you who know me you know it is my dream to climb Denali. For those of you who don't... it is. In the beginning I had the dream of embarking on this journey alone but along the way I gained a partner to climb next to me. But as certain as the sun will go down plans change and in the end this journey I plan to embark on will again be solo.
I am creating this blog to keep an account of my journey to Denali "The High One". Denali's real name and may sound more familiar as Mt. McKinley is the highest mountain in North America standing at 20,320 feet. My goal will be to ATTEMPT; I use that word with a strong emphasis because I know that a summit on Denali is no guarantee,to summit Denali on a three week journey in Alaska. My window for this will be from mid April till end of June. This means I have 7 months to train for the expedition and gather all the knowledge need to survive. If your reading this, this is your formal invitation to fallow along with me on my journey. And hell who knows I might turn a light on inside of you and inspire you to climb your own mountain or swing leads with me.