John Muir had a philosophy that if he could create a desire for people to see and do what he was doing, then and only then would they will see the wilderness for what it truly is for themselves. All of this in hopes that they would pass it on to future generations.
With that said, I am no John Muir I am merely a touch point trying to pass it on. And it looks like I have... so I am told by a good friend that after they saw what I was doing they wanted to get on board and climb Denali with me.
This is so great! Having a partner up there dramatically reduces all the inherent risks of a solo climb in Alaska or anywhere for that matter. This also means I have a training partner to help keep me on track. So friend, climbing partner I am going to hold you to this don't back out.
And for the rest of you go read some John Muir its good for your soul.